Divine Message
The virtual reality in the universe is the existence of Atma (Devine soul). Everything in the world has an end. Innumerable changes will take place in the nature, but Atma neither has a beginning nor an end. The philosophy of Atma existed long long ago and it will exist for ever because Atma is immortal.
Atma existed even before Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. We must pray and love Atma. Instead of praying thousands of millions of Gods, it is best to meditate on Atma. Praying Atma is praying all Gods.
To attain the God the simplest and easiest way is to meditate in self i.e., Atma, God exists in the heart of everyone as Atma. Don't look at the self, but meditate in the self to attain God.
Atma is formless and is without physical properties such as colour, height, weight etc. To see God it is necessary to manifest the Devine soul(Atma) in a form with physical properties. This manifestation in form is none other but Sadguru.
Look at Sadguru in the heart and meditate. Atma neither belongs to any religion nor caste. Hindus, Muslims, Christian, Sikhs, Parsi, Jains, Buddhists all will seek God by meditating upon the self i.e., Atma the Devine Soul. Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Mohammad Paigambar, Lord Shri Krishna, Bhagwan Mahaveer, Gautam Buddha all had Self realisation because they meditated in their self, Atma and became God.
Atma existed even before Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. We must pray and love Atma. Instead of praying thousands of millions of Gods, it is best to meditate on Atma. Praying Atma is praying all Gods.
To attain the God the simplest and easiest way is to meditate in self i.e., Atma, God exists in the heart of everyone as Atma. Don't look at the self, but meditate in the self to attain God.
Atma is formless and is without physical properties such as colour, height, weight etc. To see God it is necessary to manifest the Devine soul(Atma) in a form with physical properties. This manifestation in form is none other but Sadguru.
Look at Sadguru in the heart and meditate. Atma neither belongs to any religion nor caste. Hindus, Muslims, Christian, Sikhs, Parsi, Jains, Buddhists all will seek God by meditating upon the self i.e., Atma the Devine Soul. Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Mohammad Paigambar, Lord Shri Krishna, Bhagwan Mahaveer, Gautam Buddha all had Self realisation because they meditated in their self, Atma and became God.
Do not judge a sage
You cannot apply the worldly yardstick to measure the greatness of the saints. Do not superimpose defects on them on account of your evil eye. You cannot judge their merits. Brahma-nishtha are like fire.
They can consume anything. Their very touch purifies everything. They are beyond good and bad; they are themselves the supreme good. Do not imitate their actions. Their actions are strange and mysterious.
They are beyond your intellect. If you commit theft and say, "Did not Krishna steal butter ?", you will be hopelessly ruined. Krishna lifted up the Govardhana Hill with His little finger. Can you lift even a big stone with all your strength ? Follow the Upadesa of saints and Mahapurushas; you will attain Brahma-Jnana here and now.
How to benefit by company of saints
To benefit from the company of saints, you have to prepare yourself first. Do not go with any preconceived notion or prejudice. Go with an open, receptive mind. Go without expectations. Approach them humbly and respectfully. Assimilate what appeals to you. If some of their teachings do not appeal to you, do not form a hasty opinion. If you do not like them, you need not take them to heart.
What may be suitable to another may not be suitable to you. Yet, with regard to broad fundamentals, there can be no difference of opinion. When you go before a sage, do not ask him questions out of mere inquisitiveness. Sit in his presence humbly. Observe him. Listen to him without prejudice. Ask him only such questions about which you really need clarifications. Ask him only pertinent questions. Do not draw him into politics or public bickering.
Meditate in the presence of a sage. You will get inner light which will clear your doubts.
Importance of Guru Mantra
Guru Mantra is nothing but a Spiritual name given to your Soul. It is just like a stick to climb the mountain.
Chanting one Guru Mantra (Mantra Diksha i.e., mantra taken from Universal Sadguru ) is equal / equivalent to chanting of crores of mantras.
Soul Message
Soul (Atman) controls entire universe. Your body can fall sick but not the Soul. No one can reach your Soul. People do spiritual journey (i.e., trip to all spiritual place) but do they find god? Meditation is only the process where they can find god within themselves.
Not pray or hope for external change, real change should take place within us. Do not ask or expect any thing from God, because who we are to ask and god is there to give whatever he likes and of course he will good. But we can ask one thing that is please god give us your blessings to face this life.
Worry, fear, sadness, sickness etc can't affect Soul. All form of energies exists in our Soul itself. Soul is created by God.
Meaning of Meditation
We should always meditate on Sadguru's image or any other God's image (which we worship) in our Soul.
Having complete faith, love, devotion & self , surrender with our Soul lead us to continuous remembrance of our Soul.
We should always perform Soul worship (Atman Pooja, i.e., Whichever worship we are performing outside same should be carried internally).
This internal worship should be carried out by continuous imagination of Sadguru's presence in our heart, chanting of Guru mantra, listening to various devotional spiritual songs which further leads us to talk with our Soul.
Self Surrender
Believe to be the pen with which he is writing. One must write about him and for him. It is not the pen that is writing but the hand which holds the pen. Pen is only the instrument. It writes what the mind dictates.
One must surrender the mind to Gurudev and only write what the Master Mind dictates to the pen, oneself. His mind shall be the ruling mind. One should have no independent existence, i.e., complete surrender to Sadguru.
The need for Sadguru
For a beginner in the spiritual path, a Guru is necessary. To light a candle, you need a burning candle. Even an illumined soul alone can enlighten another soul. Some do meditation for some years independently.
Only the man who has already been to Badrinath will be able to tell you the road. In the case of the spiritual path, it is still more difficult to find your way. The mind will mislead you very often. The Guru will be able to remove pitfalls and obstacles, and lead you along the right path. He will tell you: "This road leads you to Moksha (liberation); this one leads to bondage".
The scriptures are like a forest. There are ambiguous passages. There are passages which are apparently contradictory. There are passages which have esoteric meanings, diverse significance, and hidden explanations. There are cross-references.
A Sadguru is absolutely necessary for every aspirant in the spiritual path. It is the only one who will find out your defects. The nature of egoism is such that you will not be able to find out your own defects. Just as a man cannot see his back, so also he cannot see his own errors. He must live under a Sadguru for the eradication of his evil qualities and defects. The aspirant who is under the guidance of a Master or Guru is safe from being led astray. Satang or association with the Guru is an armor and fortress to guard you against all temptations and unfavorable forces of the material world.
All the sages, saints, prophets, world- teachers, incarnations, great men, have had their own Gurus, however great they might have been. Svetaketu learnt the nature of Truth from Uddalaka, Maitreyi from Yajnavalkya, Bhrigu from Varuna, Narada from Sanatkumara, Nachiketas from Yama, Indra from Prajapati; and several others humbly went to wise ones, observed strict Brahmacharya, practiced rigorous discipline, and learnt Brahma-vidya (the science of God) from them. Lord Krishna sat at the feet of his Guru Sandeepani. Lord Rama had Guru Vasishtha who gave him Up Desha (spiritual advice). Lord Jesus sought John to be baptised by him on the banks of the river Jordan. Even Devas (celestial beings) have Brihaspati as their Guru. Even the greatest among the divine beings sat at the feet of Guru Dakshinamurti.
A neophyte must have a personal Guru first. He cannot have God as Guru to begin with. He must have a pure mind. He must have ethical perfection. He, must be intensely virtuous. He must be above body-consciousness. Then alone can he have God as Guru.
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Divine Dictum
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